E3 Digital technology: Industry approach to cloud

E3 Digital technology: Industry approach to cloud

Monday, June 5, 2023 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM · 59 min. (Europe/London)
Hall 1C
Digital technology
CloudImaging technologyIndustryIT


Chair: Dr Sarim Ather, Radiology Fellow, Consultant Radiologist, Digital and AI Lead, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Taking enterprise imaging solutions into the cloud - Vanja Hrbacek, Senior Director of Product Management, Enterprise Imaging, Change Healthcare

Don't settle for cloud-deployed software - unlock the full potential of SaaS - Leigh Betts and Guilherme Carvalho, Sectra

Cloud and software services - why should you care? - JP Slabbaert, Director of Product Management IITS Division, Agfa HealthCare

Cloud | Marketing hype vs reality - Sheraz Bhatti, CIO, 3verest

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